Paris lifestyle, French lifestyle, tips, habits, mental health
Lifestyle,  Personal Development

7 Habits French Women Swear Make them Happier

French lifestyle causes women (and some men) to have a secret obsession with France.

Recently, I found myself wanting a slice of what the French had.

A bad cold left me with some downtime and I used it to re-evaluate the results I was creating in my life and where I could make changes.

I came across an article about French lifestyle that intrigued me.

The elegance, ease and effortlessness of a French lifestyle got me thinking…

What exactly makes French lifestyle so fascinating?

The allure is not in the style, language, food, or people.

Superficiality is not enough to cause fascination on its own.

Our emotions are responsible for the effects of fascination.

The feeling French culture offers is unique to each of us, but at its core, our fascination with France is the same.

When you become fascinated with something it is because your brain is baffled.

There is something you cant quite put your finger on.

The fact that the French even have a phrase for this, ‘je ne se quoi,’ illustrates that they are connoisseur of fascination.

You may have tried to imitate French style, French attitude or even learned the language, hoping to get some of that jen ne se quoi for yourself.

These things may provide a temporary fix, but likely this feelings fades and you begin your search for fulfillment again.

Learn to fulfill your deep desire and fascinations for less than a $10,000 trip to France, the time it takes to learn French or a $8,000 handbag you are terrified to get dirty.

The thing that the French have that you keep trying to imitate isn’t luxury, it’s presence and joy.

These two feelings can only be acquired through intentional and mindful living.

This is what the French do differently.

This is their best kept secret that they sell to you in the form of handbags and skin care.

Always over promising and under delivering.

Not anymore!

French lifestyle habits, improve mental health, mindset shift, French tips,

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7 French lifestyle behaviors to up level your life

# 1 Flow

While I was reading Madame chic’s book I realized French lifestyle is about being present and in flow state.

The energy of this book is so lovely!

It helped me channel my own flow state better by finding clever ways to live more elegantly and perform undesirable tasks with joy!

See for yourself!

Flow state is so underrated.

Imagine enjoying everything you did and never feelings rushed or burnt out.

This is what flow state feels like.

When your mind is overflowing with racing thoughts, worries and judgement, flow state is impossible.

Take a page from Madame chic’s book.

Learn to find meaning and delight in the most mundane tasks.

Whether its cleaning the house, grocery shopping, cooking or exercising.

Challenge yourself to get out of your head and into the activity.

Next you are doing these things, do them intentionally.

Frenchify these activities:

Grocery shopping

  • Look for the freshest ingredients to nourish you and your family’s minds and body.
  • Plan you weekly meals and grocery lists in a beautiful journal or notepad

  • Post a weekly menu on a elegant little chalk board to stir up excitement for each meal


  • Focus on how strong you feel by repeating affirmations in your mind.
  • Start small with yoga or a daily walk.
  • Use workout equipment you find beautiful to give yourself extra incentive.


  • Think about how grateful you are to have a space that is yours.
  • Use cleaning supplies that smell great and are good for you and the environment.

  • Focus on how a clean home benefits your mood, productivity, and creativity.  
  • Don’t complain. Decide it is an underrated gift to provide a clean and comfy home to live in.
  • Organizing what you already have is another way to discover the love you once had for your home.


  • Style is more than just looking good, it adds excitement and positive emotion to your life.
  • Update your appliances, fixtures or decor for a quick way to breathe life and joy back into your home.
  • Boost your mood by getting ready each morning in some way.
  • At least wear mascara
  • Throw on a stylish cream cardigan to immediately feel put together, even wearing leggings and workout tank!

#2 Allowing

The pressure you are putting on yourself is unnecessary.

I am grateful to quarantine for showing me just how little rushing did for me.

 I like to compare rushing, forcing, and beating yourself up to speeding and weaving in and out of traffic.

You feel hurried and anxious trying to get ahead, only to be stopped at the same light as everyone you just passed.

None of these things get you to your destination any faster.

Instead, they take the scenic route and enjoy life.

Slowing down is not the same as procrastinating.

Don’t put activities off so you can relax.

Instead, change your thoughts about those activities .

Figure out why you don’t like doing something and then see if those reasons are helpful or hurtful to your goals.

If they are harmful then pick another thought about it.  

Take the unnecessary added pressure of your thoughts out of the equation.

You have a choice in what you think.

So think thoughts that make you happy and get you closer to your goals!

#3 Nourish mind and body.

Being French is all about indulging and enjoying life.

This means that dieting isn’t a thing.

Indulgence happens whenever there is an opportunity.

However, true indulgence isn’t about overdoing it.

It is about ENJOYING what you are doing.

Savoring every bite with the utmost appreciation.

Do not rush to get everything into your mouth.

Think of eating as its own wonderful experience.

Using all your senses to soak up scents, flavors, and feelings.

Indulgence is never about having more; it is about living life more meaningfully.

Additionally, the French nourish their minds.

They would prefer to have a smart nobody at their table than someone of status or popularity.

Intellectual ability is of the utmost importance.

They value meaningful conversations over small talk.

I bet this is why their social lives are so rich!!


#4 Natural beauty

You won’t find a French person obsessed with makeup or watching tv all day.

Their appreciation for natural beauty is more than skin deep.

Simple make up looks to enhance their natural beauty are preferred.

Heat styling your hair isn’t common either.

They wet style!

I think both of these french habits are epic.

Think of how much time you’ll save enhancing your beauty instead of covering it up.

Swipe on some mascara that wont flake in your eyes.

I used ‘Better Than Sex’ mascara for years before deciding it was all hype.

Not to mention it dried out so quickly and would flake into my eyes causing irritation.

Now I use this and it is so much better, not to mention cheaper!

The French simplify their outfits as well!

Which means dressing well without overdoing it or trying to hard!

I find adding a cream cardigan to any look elevates it immediately and makes you feel more confident in an instant!

Simply wear it over jeans, leggings or t-shirts and you can instantly elevate your look and boost confidence!

Aimless afternoon strolls in comfy yet stylish clothes are a staple in French lifestyle.

These strolls are so common that the French have their own word for it, ‘flâner.’

There is no English equivalent to this directionless, wandering stroll.

 But it does show you how important leisure time is to them.

#5 Acceptance

Do you have a hard time saying no?

Maybe you feel forced to do things?

The French are incredibly careful about what they say yes to and who they spend time with.

They know how to say no and don’t spend time feeling guilty about it.

It’s all very matter of fact.

On the flip side socializing is seen as a part of wellness, not an obligation or societal expectation.

If they don’t enjoy a particular activity or person, they stop pursuing it.

Friendships are meant to make you feel well, not drag you down.

Some feel the French are hedonistic or ‘rude’ but when you really look at why they don’t do small talk and will flat out reject you it’s easy to become envious of the freedom they have to say design their lives just the way they want.

#6 Romance

 The French don’t do small talk, clutter, or excess.

 If it doesn’t have meaning they want no part in it.

Cutting away the unnecessary makes enjoying what is left that much more pleasurable.

It gives you time to enjoy only the best without wasting a drop of energy on what isn’t.

This means when something good comes along, whether its food clothing, wine music or a special someone the encounter is fully enjoyed.

All their senses involved.

No rushing, no wondering what’s next or distractions from the point of interest.

 It is simply the moment, their focus on it and the rising emotions.

No doubt France is known for romance, but when was the last time you thought of food, wine, or clothes as romantic.

What if you began treating the mundane like the sizzling hot romance?

That certainly could spice things up.

Don’t wait for true love to fall in love.

Fall in love with everyday life, with yourself and with each moment.

Take more time to soak it all in, stop rushing and romanticize every part of your life!

#7 They aren’t perfect

No one and no culture are perfect.

In France, smoking cigarettes is considered sexy and stylish.

This is not the case in other places.

However, it does prove that you can believe whatever you want to.

No one is perfect, you are uniquely yourself.

Decide on purpose who you want to be and what you want to believe.

Don’t let a culture, judgment, or expectations make your decisions for you.

If the French can make themselves believe cigarette smoking is sexy and stylish, you can make yourself believe whatever want too!


Final thoughts:

These 7 French mindset shifts are not exclusive to the French.

You can learn them in Desire More Coaching!

Desire more teaches you how to let go thoughts and emotions that don’t serve you.

It shows you how to be successful and live your dream life without the stress.

You can create thoughts and emotions that help you achieve your dreams and feel amazing while you do it in Desire More!


French lifestyle habits, French women style, French aesthetic, France aesthetic, Parisians, Paris