how to be more productive on your period, more energy on period, how to be in flow
productivity,  Wellness

Menstrual cycle mood swings? This is how to feel better

Your menstrual cycle doesn’t need to affect your mood or productivity.

Stop fighting your body’s natural rhythm and learn how to hack it instead!

A woman goes through a 28-day cycle, whereas a mans goes through a 24-hour cycle.

Most of modern society, is also on the 24-hour cycle.

As a woman, you are expected to ignore the natural rhythm of your body, in favor of the man-made 24-hour cycle.

Once I discovered this, it made so much sense.

I was able to stop beating myself up for moments of feeling unmotivated, lacking concentration or feeling irritable.

Instead, I replaced forcing and controlling my energy with the needed self care, exercise, mindfulness, rest and productivity that my body was asking for.

You can balance your mood and energy by living according to a 28 day cycle and not a 24-hour cycle.

When you learn to go with the ‘flow’ so to speak, you can harness the power of your flow as well.

There are 4 seasons of a woman’s cycle that you can match your energy and mood to.

  • Week 1: Inner Winter – Around day 1-6 of your menstrual cycle when you’re bleeding.
  • Week 2: Inner Spring – Around day 7-13 when you’re in the pre-ovulation phase.
  • Week 3: Inner Summer – Around day 14-21 during your ovulation phase.
  • Week 4: Inner Fall – Around day 22-29 during your luteal phase (winding down again).

You may find yourself having a shorter or longer cycle or experiencing a certain season longer than the others throughout each month.

Be sure to track your energy and emotions on your own.

How to plan you month using your menstrual cycle, period power, menstruating, track your cycle, ovulation, diva cup PMS

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Here is a guide to help you plan your month according to your cycle:

Season: Winter

Bleeding Phase

The winter phase of your cycle begins on Day 1 of your period.

This is the first day you begin bleeding, and it’s week one of your cycle.

Winter is a time of inward reflection, intuition, self care, slow living and rest.

The bleeding phase of your cycle is the time where your energy and hormones are very low.

Most women would prefer to rest on the first few days of their period.

More peace and quiet are needed during this time.

Your senses and intuition are heightened.

It’s like the volume is turned way up on your life.

This leads to more irritation than usual and the desire to be alone.

A woman on her period is said to be more powerful and have deeper access to her own wisdom.

In ancient times, women would separate from the men during their bleeding time to gather in menstrual huts or tents to receive wisdom filled messages and guidance.

As you move into Winter phase, you might find it irritating when family members, partners or friends are asking her to “do things” for them during this phase.

Winter is not a time to give to others, but to ourselves.

Learning to be self-loving during this time is the healthiest behavior you can adopt for yourself and your family.

I really enjoy a little extra luxury and pampering during this time.

  • Yoga pants are a must as I am bloated and want to be comfortable.

I absolutely love these buttery soft lulu lemon dupes for two reasons. They are $26 and the contour feature hides bloating!

  • Nature walks to clear my mind.

I experience more anxiety before and during my period. These CBD bath bombs and drops can greatly help mitigate these symptoms.

  • Classy, cozy sweaters

Another must have is soft surroundings. Skip the tattered PJ’s, they just make you feel worse! Opt for a cozy, but still stylish sweater or buy a new one to add an extra layer of comfort during these uncomfortable times!

  • Meditating a little longer
  • Working/writing/reading in bed
  • Eating a balanced diet like Ayurveda
  • Going to bed early and getting more Zzz’s

I admit it, I am a sleeping pill junkie. I have tried everything to get to sleep earlier, but the only thing that works every time is this!

The most productive thing you can do in this stage is listen without judgment to your intuition.

Season: Spring

Follicular Phase

Once your period ends, Spring phase begins.

Think rebirth, renew, fresh start, cleansed, energized and happy.

As you move into your Spring phase, you’re ready to emerge from your Winter transformation.

All the rejuvenation, introspection, wisdom and intuitive insight you gathered during your winter phase can now help you plan your month effectively with the energy of your Spring phase.

This is a great time to take on new projects, start planning and organizing your month.

During this phase, the hormone estradiol (an estrogen) is rising and your energy begins to return to you.

Use this time to focus to projects, reading and researching, learning, and performing physical tasks.

This is the best time to move, or to take on a challenge.

I find myself wanting to plan and get really clear on my priorities for the month.

As well as tackling things I have been putting off and getting back into the groove of dedicated work.

This is the best planner I have come across.

It has life coaching pages to help you get really clear on your goals.

Something I have never seen in a journal at this price point!

Season: Summer

Ovulation Phase

Summer phase is the third week of the menstrual cycle, where ovulation occurs.

During the Summer phase, your energy is more magnetic and expressive.

You may feel more social, and this is a great time to focus on networking, nurturing relationships, hosting, cooking or being of service to others.

Summer week is the most enjoyable time for taking care of children, offering friends support and having sex with your partner, with caution of course, because you are fertile.

When you are fertile, this is the best time to ask for what you want and more than likely receive it.

So ask for that raise or promotion, have a tough conversation or lobby your husband for that new kitchen.

Season: Fall

Luteal Phase

Fall is the stage of your cycle when the Spring and Summer energies begin to die back down.

You might notice yourself feeling more reserved and introspective.

You will likely feel more agitated when asked to do things, as you are craving more space.

As an entrepreneur, I try to schedule my life according to my cycle as much as possible.

While things don’t always go according to plan it’s important to know what to expect from yourself and have the grace to grant yourself allowances that are not ‘productive’.

 I purposefully schedule my days off leading up to my cycle.

I give more time to self-care, meditation and nature walks.

I encourage the women I coach to do the same.

If we disown our own needs, PMS may intensify and wreak havoc in our lives.

Women’s health practitioners propose that PMS is a symptom of modern society.

We try to ignore our bodies needs, but our body’s just talk louder as a result.

Alexis- Psychic Life Coach

This manifests as extreme irritability and fatigue, among other symptoms.

Choosing to acknowledge this inward journey is an act of self-love.

When you listen to the signals your inner world, you also receive the benefits of it.

You will have more ideas, creativity and inspiration come to you.

You will be more fulfilled and improve self worth for listening to your inner guidance and honoring your needs.

This is a wonderful time to nurture creative insights, write, draw, strategize, be assertive and create boundaries.

The moon and your moon

 It’s worthwhile to mention that the moon is significant to our mood and feelings as well.

You are a large percentage of water, and just like the tide, you too are controlled by the moon.

It’s wise to sync your cycle, with the cycle of the moon, to minimize the adverse effects the moon has on you.

Syncing your cycle to the cycle of the moon, helps you to harness the power of the moon and your cycle at the same time.

Otherwise, you may be experiencing two transformations over the course of the month. That can be pretty overwhelming, especially for empaths or those sensitive to energy.

 Syncing your cycle with the moon is done simply by becoming aware of the moon and its cycles.

Once you begin tracking the moons cycles, your body starts adjusting on its own.

To speed up your bodies syncing speed, you can perform rituals that align your emotional state.

 A new moon carries energies of newness.

Plan and start things.

Let go of what no longer serves you.

Full moon is about enjoying what you have created, giving thanks and having more energy.

Use this guide to help you sync your cycle to the moon:

full moon ritual, new moon ritual, moon meanings, moon cycles

Final thoughts:

Your period is not a burden, or something to get through.

Ignoring and resisting it is not only unwise, but it will result in more unwanted feelings and thoughts.

So, here is a divine perspective shift you may enjoy.

See your cycle is an opportunity for self improvement.

You’ve been given the ability to tap into your emotional state intensely and fully due to the fluctuations during PMS.

When you resist or ignore your emotional state, irritability, sadness and anger, grow.

PMS is the perfect time to become the watcher of your thoughts and feelings.

Each month you have an opportunity to evolve during PMS by practicing presence.

This means not reacting or trying to make sense of your feelings.

Instead, allow your feelings and thoughts to be there.

See them as opportunities for deep healing and enlightenment.

You don’t have to live by the 24-hour schedule or even a calendar month.

Your first day of the month can begin whenever you choose.

You can plan your daily and weekly activities over the course of the month.

You can create a schedule based on your feminine energy and experience more balance, flow and joy than before.

To journey deeper into understanding the seasons of your cycle, this book is pure gold!


There is never a better time to learn how to manage your thoughts and emotions than right now.

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