Desire More is a personalized

mindset and alignment program that teaches ambitious

women how to get what they want, without the controlling behaviors that

stress them out.

Out of everywhere you could be right now, you are here.

Don’t continue to let the voice in your head convince you that  overthinking and controlling  are the keys to success any longer.

You can have it all without the sacrifice.

You deserve to have your life be all that you desire it to be…

This is for you, if you want to...

Manage emotions to become a vibrational match to what you desire

Release the blocks and limits that keep you stuck

Gain positive control over success and happiness.

Have more time and energy to give to the things that are actually important to you.

Align your life and decisions with your deepest values.

Grow your self trust so you can go after your goals with confidence

Desire More Mastermind

Here is a little secret between you and me...

A course isn’t going to change your life.

Only you can do that.  

This is why in Desire More the focus is on you, not a course or a group. 

Everything is designed specifically for you.

So you never have to guess if a program is can get you the results you want ever again.

You won’t have to worry about getting your questions answered in inconveniently timed  group call either.


You can feel confident and safe knowing that that no matter what problems you are faced with, there will always be a solution.

I work intentionally with a limited number of women each cycle, to guarantee an exclusive experience.

You are not an automated payment that comes into my account while I sleep. 

You are a beautiful soul with a unique journey. 

And in Desire More I honor that.

As amazing as this sounds, I have to be honest...

I don’t take your investment of time, energy (and money!) into this program lightly, which is why I book the mastermind to see if you are compatible with this program.

It is my one true mission to help women who are compatible with this program. 

Desire More has very limited spaces and so only the women who I think will get an amazing return on their investment will be admitted!

Desire More will only be accessible to a select few women who are motivated and ready to do the necessary work to take their lives to the next level!

Desire More Mastermind




Manage your problems with grace

You do not have the results you want because the way you view your problems. Learn to see your problems in a new light so you can use them to move you forward! 

Permanent mindset shifts.

Your mindset is responsible for your happiness and success.  The mindset shifts you learn will show you where to focus your attention to achieve your desired results.

Redesign your life

You’ll learn how to develop self trust so that you can plan and go after your goals. I show you how the brain works, so you can manage your thoughts and emotions to attract the life you want. The result is  you create your life on purpose.

Attract abundance

You can only attract what you are thinking and feeling. In Desire More you will learn THE exact process to take you from lack to abundance! 

Transcend controlling behaviors that repel desires.

Your anxiety is a series of repetitive thoughts that have created a chemical and memorized reaction in the brain and body. Anxiety’s intensity is it’s weakness. I show you how to step into your power, to transform anxiety and fear into healing and manifesting tools. Get what you desire without all the mental drama.

Increase confidence

This program prioritizes you. The reason you don’t have what you desire is because somewhere in your subconscious you don’t trust yourself to create it. I show you how to take smart risks, feel fear like a boss and always follow through so that you can begin to build your empire on a strong foundation!  

Coach yourself

The magic is in your routine. The small choices you make everyday add up to the life you will live in the future. Knowing how to coach yourself moment to moment is vital to your overall success. You’ll learn coaching tools and processes on your own, so that you are guaranteed to create your dream life!

Attract and make more money

Money is just like any other relationship! You gotta play hard to get with it so that it finds you completely irresistible! Then once you’ve got it, you have to know how to treat it oh so good once you’ve got it so it never strays! Desire More teaches you what money likes, what it doesn’t like and how to make as much as you want!

Improve your personal relationships

The quality of your relationships are a direct reflection of how you feel about yourself and the healing you still need to do. You will learn how to use your relationships to deeply heal yourself. As by product your relationships will improve.

Find your purpose and live a fulfilling life

You  cannot find your true purpose or feel fulfilled without connecting to something greater than yourself. Desire More aligns you with your true self and the unique power you can access in this life to live a confident and meaningful life.

Are You Ready??

In Desire More we believe that everyone deserves to enjoy life.

It’s your right to live abundantly and accomplish your dreams, regardless of what your current struggles are.

In Desire More, we focus on personal development; mental, emotional, physical and spiritual.  

This allows you to create any life you desire, from the only thing you can control… YOU!

Desire More Mastermind

Here is how Desire More works!


Each week we discuss your goals and how to achieve them through mindset, emotional or spiritual work


Weekly spiritual alignment and energetic  deprogramming


Daily refocus rituals to get you clear, keep you inspired and motivate you!


Personalized course work to help you achieve results fast, take aligned action towards your goals and always follow through!


One complimentary mindset and one spiritual alignment session, yours to gift to whoever you’d like. 

Common Questions

Desire More is for ambitious women who go after what they want and and are motivated to get results. So motivated that they suffer from burnout, stress, being hard on themselves and often feel guilty that they could be doing better. They have many goals, but hate the anxiety of balancing these goals! It is for women who are obsessed with success, but hate the feeling of stress!

Only 7 women join each cycle! It’s an amazing opportunity and way to maintain an exclusive and personal experience for clients. It is a top priority that every woman be fully supported.

Most of the women in Desire More gift the sessions to a significant other, or  family member. The idea behind these complimentary sessions is to think of any relationships that you could benefit from improving. So someone whose choices and attitudes affect yours is always a good idea! However these sessions are yours to give away as you please. 

If you’d prefer to keep the sessions for yourself that is totally ok. I urge you to think about any relationships that you could benefit from improving though. 

Women come to me for help with:

  • Health; mental, emotional, physical. 
  • Relationships; family, spouse, parenting, friends, self.
  • Wealth; money mindset, wealth building, saving, investing, manifesting.
  • Purpose and passion; fulfillment, career, building an online business.
  • Spiritual; developing intuition, becoming your higher self, mindfulness, energy healing,  balancing masculine & feminine energies, guidance, channeling.

Do you have one hour a week? That is all you really need. Desire More is designed to fit into your existing schedule. You can actually do some of this work while you sleep. I design a complimentary schedule for you, so you can incorporate this program into your existing routine.

The Desire More payment plans are very accommodating. You can spread your payments out over time.

Desire More Mastermind

Hi I’m Alexis. .

I am a recovering pessimist and overthinker, turned life coach, psychic, believer in miracles and personal development junkie!

Aligning my mindset and emotions, to create my dream life, is a miracle.

I believe I can have it all.

Now, I help other women who are stuck in a scarcity mindset, overthinking and worse case scenarios step into another way of controlling their future and ensuring their success.

This is what Desire More is all about…

Helping ambitious women who consider themselves realist and overthinkers create their dream life with positive emotions!

No more forcing and controlling.

Desire More is about breaking through barriers of fear and conditioning so you can access the most successful and joyful parts of you!

All you need is courage to do well here!

Come join the ambitious women of Desire More who are creating their dream life on purpose!

Love your life coach,

Alexis Henderson

What other women are saying about Desire More...

The advice Alexis gives is so unique and counterintuitive,  but it seriously works. She helped me get out of burnout syndrome with work and mom guilt. The mindset shifts and self coaching techniques she teaches are life savers!!!

– Jennifer R. Highland Park, New Jersey

The spiritual alignment was my favorite part! Each week I  felt better and better.  I  was finally able to let go of so much negativity that has been weighing me down all those years!  If you have a negative mindset from stress or anxiety, Alexis knows how to  help you get a fresh start!! Really cannot recommend her enough!

– Lorlei B. Vancouver, British Columbia  

I knew I had blocks and limiting beliefs keeping me from making more money and improving my relationship. Alexis showed me how letting go and focusing on myself  was the key to attracting what I wanted. Within a week after our first session I knew what I needed to do in my business and relationship!  After the second session my relationship was so much more connected and no joke I made my first $1000 from my blog! I did not expect it to be so fast! It was really fun getting the results I wanted!

– Amelia S. London UK

I was on the fence for a few months and wanted to shop around to make sure I was making the right choice. I realized after a few months that Alexis’s coaching was what I needed help moving through my negative state. I knew deep down I needed to think and feel better if I wanted more. Alexis really helped me learn to coach myself on a daily basis to move past my ego and anxiety to feel happiness and confidence in this season of my life. I am so grateful to her and the generous payment plan that allowed me to do this work.

– Allyson T. Lancaster, California 

Scheduling your free mastermind is really easy. 

All you need to do is click the ‘Access the free mastermind’ button below. 

You will then be brought to the Desire More Mastermind page where you can read more about the mastermind, or schedule your mastermind immediately by clicking the schedule now button on the next page.

Don’t be surprised if you wait to schedule your mastermind and go back to the page and its gone. 

This mastermind only runs until Desire More fills up.

That’s just 7 spaces!

If you procrastinate on this opportunity there is a very good chance it will disappear.

Remember, you get the solution to the issue you are struggling with, from me personally, in the mastermind.

I do this to establish trust with you.

Even if you decide not to work with me, it’s still a win for both of us.

You get a solution that will help you get closer to what you truly desire and I get a raving fan or potential future client!

Click the button below to access the mastermind before you come back and this opportunity is gone!!!

Desire More Mastermind