Coaching,  Personal Development,  Self Improvement

Failing Forward: Make your setbacks make you successful

Failing is so underdiscussed.

There is so much information out there about how not to fail, but not much on how to fail.

We get so consumed by the fear of failure that we have turned it into this big huge scary thing.

Failure is not actually all that bad.

By the time you are done reading this you will know:

  • Why failing isn’t bad
  • How to make your failure mean something good
  • How to fail meaningfully
  • How to use failure to succeed

What does it mean to fail?

“Failure is the omission of expected or required action.”

So, then failure means not accomplishing what you or someone else expected you to accomplish.

This happens all the time, right?

Think about all the times you have:

  • Shown up late
  • Said the wrong thing
  • Canceled plans

Failure is just something that didn’t turn out the way we, or someone else expected.

That happens all the time to everyone, everyday.

The thing that ends up happening though, is that most people just stop expecting.

They stop expecting things out of themselves or others, so they never have to feel failure anymore.

They keep their expectations really low, never challenge themselves, or go outside of their comfort zone.

Change the way you see failure

If every time you didn’t accomplish what was expected, and made it mean failure, you would be beating yourself up all the time!

Unfortunately, this is exactly what some people do.

They feel so much shame and guilt about their lives for their entire life.

It becomes this cycle they don’t know how to get away from.

This cycle where they are afraid to fail, so they don’t try.

Then when they don’t reach their goals, they beat themselves up for it.

To get out of this cycle you need to stop fearing failure.

You need to stop making failure mean the end of the world or something bad at all.

The way you overcome your fear of failure is with a perspective shift.

How to fail forward?

I have coached so many women on how to fail.

Failing forward means making fear work for you, instead of against you.

It is a skill few know about and even fewer learn how to do in their lives.

Failing forward looks like:

  • Finding solutions
  • Grit
  • Optimism
  • Following your dreams
  • Improving your relationships
  • Losing weight
  • Healing trauma
  • Owning a profitable business
  • Overcoming anxiety, using anxiety

Overcome fear to make failure meaningful

What I am really coaching you on is how to overcome fear.

Everyone is afraid to fail.

You are not alone there.

 The difference between those who succeed, and those who don’t, is feeling the fear and doing it anyways.

Fear of failing goes one of two ways:

  • Inaction + fear = failure
  • Action + fear = success

The only difference between success and failure is doing something about it.

I want you to think about what action and inaction really mean.

In option #1 you:

  • Stay the same
  • Lose motivation
  • Don’t learn or grow
  • Don’t get closer to your goals
  • Beat yourself up for not doing something

In option #2 you:

  • Learn something new
  • Gain confidence in yourself
  • Overcome fears
  • Learn how to take action to reach your goals
  • Get closer to your goals

The mindset of failing forward

You can’t fail when you try…

Let’s say you want to start a business, so you set up a website and pour your heart and soul into it, but no one visits it.

No one knows your site or you exists.

You have the option to make this mean something good, or something bad.

You can make it mean no one likes you, or wants what you have to offer.

You can give up an go back to playing small and settling for less.


You can make this mean that you learned something valuable that you didn’t know before.

Then apply this new knowledge and try again.

Every time you fail, you learn something from it.

Every failure is actually a tiny success that brings you one step closer to your goal.

If you choose to see it that way.

Failing forward is the mindset of choosing to see failing as an opportunity to again, but better.

The only thing you really need to be successful at failing is courage.

The thing about failing forward is that you have to take a risk to do it.

Failing forward is a mindset.

Its the act of trusting yourself so much that no matter the outcome it always means growth.

Failing forward is deciding to make your setbacks mean something powerful and transformative.

All it takes is courage.

In my 1:1 coaching I show you exactly how to feel your fear and do it anyways.

 I teach you how anxiety and fear can be used to move you forward and make the right decisions for yourself.

Schedule your free breakthrough session now!

Here’s the catch…

You have to have the courage to overcome whatever fear is holding you back from moving forward and take a risk.

I know you can do this for yourself.

​Take that first step in overcoming your fear and book your first complimentary breakthrough session with me here!​

In it I will show you how to create a clear vision for yourself and together we will plan your next steps to move forward!