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Confidence,  Personal Development,  Self worth

Self-worth Boost: The One Thing To Focus On To Be More Confident Now

Self-worth is different from self-esteem.

In fact, using self worth and self esteem interchangeably, can keep you from addressing the right issues.

This is why it’s a good idea to understand what each one really means…

Self worth vs. Self esteem

Self-esteem is the way you feel about yourself in different areas, like intelligence, personality, appearance, and success.

Do you show yourself appreciation for your efforts and qualities or not?

Self worth is the value you give to yourself internally, without the impact of external factors.

So without any feedback from others or your achievements do you still feel valuable?

Self esteem is recognizing and feeling grateful for all that you are.

Self worth is the deeply held beliefs about who you are.

The thing to keep in mind when trying to figure out which one you need to work on is this:

  • Self esteem is conscious thought.
  • Whereas self worth is unconscious thought.

What impacts self-worth and self esteem?

Your self esteem can be impacted by what someone says or something that happens.

Self esteem is how you initially feel when you react to something outside of you.

You can easily slip into a state of lack for a moment about your intelligence, personality, appearance or success.

If you’re a human being, then regardless of your self-confidence, you have felt low self esteem before.

 Recovering from low self esteem can be easy or it can be difficult.

What determines how quickly you bounce back is your self-worth.

Effects of low self-worth

When you have low self-worth, your self- esteem is determined by what is outside of you.

For instance, when someone makes a snide comment about your success, appearance, personality or intelligence, your esteem is easily affected by this if your self-worth is also low.

This is how you become reliant upon what is outside of you to determine your value and worth.

It happens through your self-esteem, but its actually your self-worth that takes the hit.

If you have a high self worth, you can easily reassure your self esteem with your self worth.

If you have low self esteem its because the beliefs you hold about your self worth.

Your self esteem has nothing to build it back up, unless an external force comes along and does it for you.

And who wants to wait around on someone else to feel better??

Improving your self worth means that no matter what happens or how you choose to feel about it, you will always know the truth about yourself is positive.

When you work on your self worth, the negativity coming from outside of you is just noise and other’s insecurities projecting onto because of their low self worth.

So you see when in doubt always improve how you feel about and treat yourself over how others perceive you.

Improving self-worth ensures all the other aspects of you increase as well!

How to improve self-worth?

# 1 Love and accept yourself.

One of my favorite things about having a high self worth is not taking everything so serious.

If music makes you happy sing it! We don’t always have to live by the expectations of others, try to be ‘cool’ or compete with one another.

Self worth is knowing that even if you do or say something ‘stupid,’ you you get to choose what you make it mean.

Someone with high self- worth will make it mean something that feels good.

If someone judges you then guess what?

Its not about you!

They are just agitated about something in themselves that they need to heal!

#2 Use judgmental behavior to find and accept yourself

 Accepting and loving who you are is tricky when you don’t know yourself though.

I have enjoyed using shadow work to discover more about me.

Your judgments tell you where to heal. 

You can use your own judgments to get to know who you really are.

Within in every judgment there is something about our identity that is begging to be seen.

We learn to hide a lot of ourselves to fit in and avoid being judged and when we do this you also hide our authenticity and therefore your ability to accept yourself fully.

So every time you judge yourself, someone or something it’s an opportunity to heal and a part of you begging to be seen and set free.


#3 Ask your thoughts questions

Catch yourself and dissect what your subconscious is trying to reveal to you about the missing pieces in your life that can make you whole.

Once you have found an unhealed area coming off as judgment, ask yourself questions about it:

  • How does X make me feel?
  • What might these feelings mean?
  • How might these feelings relate to how I feel about myself?

I promise, at the bottom of every negative emotion there is a truth about yourself that you need to discover and heal.


# 4 Affirmation creation

Once you find the thought that is causing you a negative emotion, you get to fix it with a thought that is aligned to your higher self.

Just like one line of code can throw off a computers programming, one belief about your self worth can throw off your program.

This is where you undo years of toxic and damaging thoughts in one sentence.

You need to find the broken code that is causing the problem and replace it with the right code.  

Its not enough to just say and affirmation about self worth, just like its not enough to replace broken code with just a code. It has to fit just right to fix your specific line of coding.

Final thoughts:

The most difficult part about healing and becoming happier is learning to take full accountability for your life and your feelings.

Accountability is the only way out. Your ego is going to fight you tooth and nail to keep you stuck in survival mode, but if you wan to get to thrive mode you have to override your ego and the habits that have brought you to where you are now.

I provide you with a solution to this problem in The Desire More Mastermind!

Learn more about the mastermind here!