Inspiration,  Self Care

Anti-Anxiety Quarantine Activities List

You’re seriously so annoying right now!

I know what you’re doing and its not going to work!


You’re just sitting around talking about the virus and not helping yourself or anyone else.

This was me talking to myself earlier by the way.

Sound familiar? Yeah…

Well, I have good news! We aren’t going to give up on ourselves or each other that easy! Nope we are going to find a solution to fear, anxiety and boredom together!

I have put together the ultimate anti-anxiety quarantine list! I’m a solutions person, so instead of fretting over what if and feeding into fear, I decided to be of service and compile a list of anti- anxiety activities/ tools. Never forget when we help others, we help ourselves!

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  • DIY Quarantine manicure and pedicure.

How to do a DIY mani/pedi here!

  • Start a blog or business.

Seriously, what an amazing opportunity to focus on something productive and positive. There are a lot of you who have been laid off or on temporary leave of some sort. You’re unsure of what your future looks like in terms of work, so protect yourself and start building a website around your blog or business idea. Your future self will thank you for not spending the time stressing out, or maybe for developing a needed alternative plan if something happens with your job.

  • Drink tea

Give your immunity a boost with the powerful, natural antioxidants tea contains. Try a positive tea, relaxed mind tea, or my favorite, a detox tea! Sip on some green tea for weight loss and energy! Try this medicinal echinacea plus elderberry tea to boost immunity and recover faster from illness. There is a tea blend for everything!

  • Yoga and Meditation

A regular yoga/meditation practice can improve both your physical and mental wellness. Don’t let isolation get the best of you. Instead of focusing on the chaos around you choose to go inward and achieve a calm within yourself. It is a beautiful way to start the day. Use your practice to balance your mind and body. When we are stressed, we tend to stay all up in our heads. We overthink and create unnecessary problems for ourselves and others. We must remember to balance mind and body. Gentle yoga when you wake, from the comfort of your own space, can set a peaceful and loving tone for the rest of your day. Life is always changing and renewing. Get in sync with this mentality through sunrise yoga and your mind will open up to a new way of thinking. All you need is a yoga mat and maybe a yoga block if you’re a beginner.

  • Build a better routine for yourself.

Instead of sitting around talking and overthinking, decide to eliminate negative habits in your life that have been lingering. This is the perfect time to build a healthier life for yourself! Now that distractions like eating out, drinking alcohol, shopping and dating are no longer readily available you can start working on habits that need breaking. Try reading a book like How by reading an awesome self-help book like this one and “Make Sh*t Happen!” Figure out how to fill this empty time with new, healthy and productive habits. If you need help getting started, contact me here and I will send you a guide to help get you started!

  • Make recipes you’ve been putting off for lack of time. Personally, I want to try some amazing vegan recipes. Purchase a kitchen cookbook and randomly open to a recipe page and challenge yourself to cook whatever you flip to! Everyone should own at least a few kitchen cookbooks. They are fantastic if you don’t know what you’re in the mood for or what to search google for. Get inspired and get yourself a kitchen cookbook.
  • Detox your body.
  • Do a challenge.

There are thousands of challenges online; fitness, gratitude, self-love, compassion, eating healthier, relationship challenges and more! Get your family involved, and even your friend through facetime or pictures. Bet one another for manicures, massages, drinks or dinner. The challenge lasts for the duration of quarantine. Whoever wins gets the reward when its all over. Keep one another’s spirits up this way.

  • Take a funny photo and create a quarantine meme.
  • Spring clean your home.

I don’t know about you, but flu/cold season and other illnesses/viruses wake up something inside of me that needs to DEEP clean. I feel so much better after I do, knowing myself and my family can enjoy the health and peace benefits of a clean home.

  • HIIT workout.

Ok, gyms and fitness boutiques are ALL closed! Do not make this an excuse to neglect your workout routine. Be creative and find a way to stay fit. Pinterest and YouTube are amazing resources for ideas. Your body needs exercise and to sweat more than ever! Think of all those toxins you can get rid of! Exercise is so wonderful for our mental health. Please do not give in to the temptation to sit on the couch and stress eat. A workout is a reset!

  • Get outside!

Take your dog for a walk, or your kids (lol). Play an outdoor sport or do an outdoor activity. Fresh air and sunshine are a must! Both are amazing for our mental and physical health. Your dog and kids will feel better for it too. Don’t let them drive you nuts, just take them outside and give them what they need, quality time and nature.

  • Redefine the relationship you have with your kids or significant other.

Read a relationship improvement book like this one! Apply it to everyone in your tribe! Listen where you normally talk and put yourself in their shoes. Bring everyone together and get involved in one of the activities on this list. Being with others is beneficial and vital to your happiness and health. Do not neglect it or let those you care about neglect it.

  • Organize your pantry, closet or cabinets. Any space you’ve been ignoring because you’re too busy, find it and make it your b****! Organizing helps you organize your thoughts and helps you to feel in control of your environment, thus lowering anxiety and stress.

Have faith that everything is working out for you, best case scenario! We are in this together.

Namaste beautiful humans🦋🙏🏻

Spread more love, joy and happiness by sharing this post with loved ones and friends who need a little extra hope, or maybe just a welcomed distraction, in their lives!