life coach or therpaist?
Anxiety Relief,  Wellness

The Truth About Life Coaching: Does Therapy Work?

Life coaching continues to grow in popularity, as more and more people are choosing life coaches over therapists.

This made me wonder, does therapy still work?

After doing some digging I found some studies conducted by the International Coaching Federation on the effectiveness of life coaching.

Studies showed 99% of the people they interviewed saw their experience working with a life coach as rewarding, while 96% stated they would do it again.

Moreover, 65% said working with a coach helped them improve their performance at work, and 80% said it helped improve their self-confidence.

After interviewing my own clients and potential-clients about therapy vs. life coaching, it became clear that many weren’t getting the results they wanted from therapy and began looking elsewhere for results.

Many agreed that therapy made them functional, but didn’t give them satisfaction or the life they desired.

Life coach or therapist better? Difference between life coach or therapist. Life coaching vs. therapy

This rings true when we turn our awareness to world-famous executives, business professionals, and leaders who are all work diligently with life coaches.

Oprah, Bill Gates and even Justin Bieber all mention their life coach as a powerful force in their lives.

Accountability and greater awareness are huge contributors to why successful, intelligent people hire life coaches.

Regardless of achievements or success, people understand that at some point they need help to get to the next level.

Life coaches help you to release blocks and limitations that are slowing you down, see things from a higher perspective, and receive support from someone with an objective stance-outside of your family and friends.

Life coaching is for those who want to thrive and continue to thrive, not just survive.

The difference between a therapist and a life coach

Deciding to invest in a life coach or therapist may seem life a tough choice, but its not.

It’s quite simple:

  • When looking to figure out ‘Why?” a therapist is the best option. For questions like “What now?” or “How do I change?” a life coach is exactly what you need.
  • If you are unhappy and want to understand Why am I unhappy? What fears are preventing me from being happy? What painful emotions am I holding onto with my unhappiness? Go to a therapist.
  • If you are unhappy and want to know ‘How do I change? How do I develop a plan to achieve my goals and create habits that make me happy? How do I prevent backsliding?’ Go to a life coach.

Therapy is also a greater time investment. The reason being, you must revisit the past and heal towards the present moment.

Then continue to revisit the past to heal toward a desirable future. This process is effective, but it is also slow.

Life coaching takes you from right now to your desired future.

Healing and working toward your goals simultaneously.

The past is accounted for and acknowledged in a way that it serves as a source of power to propel you forward.

It all comes back to “how” or “why”.

How do I become different or why am I the way I am.

Do you want to know why you are lazy or do you want to learn how to stop being lazy?

Is life coaching expensive?

At first glance a life coach may seem more expensive than a therapist.

I’m not aware of any life coaching covered by insurance the way most therapists are.

Life coaching may cost more upfront, but it makes up for it in speed.

Therapy is a cheaper option short term, but you will need more sessions.

At $25-$35 co-pay with insurance once a week for therapy, you would be in therapy for a year at the same price a 6-week life coaching program would cost you.

 The real worth of life coaching isn’t measured by money.

It is measured by time and progress.

And if it were measured by money it would still be cheaper as many people find themselves in therapy for over a year before they see progress in their lives.

Never forget that money is energy that you can get back. Time is something you can never get back.

What kind of life coach do you need?

There are so many niche specific coaches out there.

Body image, relationship, wellness, anxiety, and business coaches to name a few.

It is overwhelming right?

To be honest it’s not about what kind of coach you choose it’s about connecting with the person and them being a good fit.

All life coaches have the same structure and most niche specific coaches are well versed in all areas of life because in life everything is connected, related, and intertwined.

 Your eating disorder isn’t likely related to having a gross meal or your last diet.

It is psychological and emotional.

So, never feel like you need to pick the perfect life coach, or else they won’t know how to help you.

A good life coach will know how to help you unravel your problem piece by piece, no matter what each piece consists of.

 Choose a life coach you connect with.

One that makes you feel comfortable and understood, whose style of communication jives with you and you feel you can learn a lot from.

Intuitive life coaching

As an intuitive life coach, one thing that differentiates me from other life coaches is that you receive double the guidance in each session.

In addition to traditional life coaching, as an intuitive I will channel messages and guidance for you from your “team” aka spirit guides, angels or ancestors watching over you in this lifetime.

This ensures the guidance I provide you with is always for your greatest, highest good.

Additionally, the guidance you receive will lead you to your natural state of happiness, health, and true purpose in this lifetime.

Another added benefit of being an intuitive life coach is I can sense energy.

I am adept in using your personal communication style and emotional state to deliver guidance to you in a way that you understand and are able to deeply process.

All these qualities allow us to create massive change, healing and growth in a short period of time.

I would take notes on what Alexis was saying because I could feel it was important and personal.

K. W- 6 week program

Why Hire a Life Coach?

Even at $200 – $1000 per month for a handful of sessions, it appears we may be more comfortable telling friends and family we’re seeing a life coach over a therapist.

Many are opting for life coaching in place of therapy because today’s culture looks at mental illness as a bad thing.

There is an inherent feeling of being flawed, broken and unwanted when you say that you are struggling or seeing a therapist.

It’s easy to bring this programming and its energies into your personal and work life.

It can become another obstacle keeping you from healing.

If you’re going to therapy and feeling sad, flawed and incapable of living your dream life these emotions are attracting negative things to you.

A mentor who can convert these beliefs and feelings that work for you and not against you is ideal.

Don’t buy into the it has to get worse before it gets better limiting belief.

Decide what is best for you by how you want to feel and never settle for anything less.

Life coaching vs. therapy. Life coach or therapist

Many have turned away from therapists and have started seeing life coaches instead.

Life coaches will help you conquer your fears, relationship problems, career setbacks, and provide you with a sense of fulfillment.

For that reason, life coaching has grown at lightning speed into a multi-billion-dollar industry over the past few years.

Thousands of people are hiring coaches for support in their personal and professional lives.

The best thing about life coaches is they do discovery calls for free!

My discovery calls with clients are very valuable as they provide you with insight and clarity regardless of whether we begin working together or not.

Schedule a call today in the calendar below!!!