Self Care,  Self Improvement

Self-Care Habits: 8 easy Improvements No One Talks About

Self care habits starting to feel difficult to keep up with?

If your self care feels overwhelming due to money or time then you’re doing self care wrong.

Self care is an attitude and a mindset.

It is not something you buy or somewhere you go.

It is how you choose to think and the energy you bring to everyday life that defines what self care is.

By the time you are done reading this you will know:

  • The difference between positive and negative self care
  • How to create a lifestyle of self care
  • 8 self care ideas to feel good permanently

There are plenty of pretty items being advertised that make you believe happiness is a click away.

Expensive treatments and appointments are now requirements for self care.

These things are fun, but they aren’t self care.

The endless lists and ideas telling you what you need to buy or do to feel better are temporary.

The way you think about self-care may be wrong.

self care habits, self care ideas, self improvement, mindset shifts

If self care to you is things like “self-care day”, “self-care checklist”.

Then the time, energy and money you put into your self care is taking away from your quality of life and here’s why…

Self care is a lifestyle you build with your thoughts, goals and habits.

Caring for yourself is not about what you are doing, but how you are doing it.

You can look like a million bucks, but self care is about how you feel.

How do you feel when you spend money on things, treatments, services and even food??

Examples of self care that really aren’t self care:

  • Filling every moment with friends
  • Buying things just because
  • Treating yourself to bad food because you earned it
  • Going to the spa to escape your problems
  • Getting nails or hair done when you cant afford it
  • Spending money on food or alcohol to distract yourself from you pain

If these things make you feel the same or worse, than you’re doing yourself a disservice.

Your ‘self care’ can easily turn into self hate when you are using it to numb your feelings and avoid your inner work

What you really want is a way to feel better.

The best way to feel better is to make your mind a place you don’t need an escape from.

self care ideas, checklist, list, habits, routine, lesser known self care ideas, self improvement

8 easy self-care ideas to create a lifestyle of self-care!

1. Self-care means slowing down

Productivity does not define your self-worth.

But it certainly can feel that way.

Slowing down means spending more time with yourself and your thoughts.

This can feel scary when you aren’t sure about what will come up.

The truth is you cause yourself far more pain when you resist and avoid your feelings than when you allow them.

Also busy work isn’t really all that productive.

That is why you may feel like you go, go, go all day and haven’t gotten anything done…

This is because there are only about 2-3 things we can do every day that will significantly move us towards our goals.

Busy work and overworking are not actually productive.

These things only serve as tools to distract you from yourself.

I’m not saying do nothing all day.

I’m saying do less more meaningfully.

  • Learn something
  • Work on a better mindset
  • Call a friend
  • Be in nature
  • Read a book
  • Create
  • Walk
  • Yoga
  • Spend quality time
  • Explore
  • Feed your senses.

Try an idea from this list of 100 soulful self-care ideas!!

When you stay busy all the time, you miss out on being present and finding deeper meaning in your life.

Make sure your daily activities are filled with things that make a big difference.

Sometimes self-care will be you resting and taking a break.

Other times it may mean doing that hard thing you have been avoiding so you can stop worrying about it.

2. Caring for yourself by letting go of judgement

Our judgments are a direct reflection of where we need to do self work.

Even if you aren’t jealous of someone you may feel afraid in some way by what that person symbolizes.

Body shaming is an example of this.

People may not be jealous of another person’s body, but they are insecure of the deeper meaning of this person.

They believe this person is unlovable and unaccepted and fear this would mean the same for them if they were to gain weight.

When you judge you may feel powerful, but the truth is it’s just a way to avoid the parts of you that need healing.

Instead use your judgments as ways to do deep inner work also known as shadow work.


Shadow work will deeply heal you and you will radiate from the inside out better than any spa treatment could make you.

3. Make an effort to accept yourself and others.

Don’t judge how someone else lives their life or the mistakes you have made.

Life is a journey.

We are all imperfect people, living imperfect lives, trying to do better.

Of course, you can feel concerned and create personal boundaries, but at the end of the day you get to choose what you make things mean.

You get to choose your thoughts.

It’s difficult to know why things happen, or why people do what they do.

The only thing you can control is how you react and what you choose to think.

When you obsess over the past you suffer twice.

Process what happened to you, but let it go.

Your life can be so much more than your mistakes or someone else’s.

4. Be patient with yourself

What works for one person isn’t going to work for another.

Some people must get everything wrong to know how to get it right, others will get it right the first time and even more people won’t even try.

So, don’t get caught up comparing your journey to someone else’s.

The point in life isn’t to be like everyone else, it’s to create a life you love.

So, do things the way you want and in a way that feels good to you.

5. Choose your thoughts on purpose.

You get to choose what you make things mean.

Most things in life are neutral.

You have the option to make things mean something positive and productive or something negative and unproductive.

Its OK to feel sad and give yourself time to process tough emotions, just make sure you aren’t staying sad on purpose by telling yourself stories that suck and keep you stuck.

6. Boundaries minus expectations equal self love.

Expectations set yourself and others up to fail.

Instead focus on what you need to be happy and create boundaries around those needs.

When you expect someone to behave a certain way you become attached to the outcome of them behaving exactly how you think they should.

This allows their actions to dictate how you are going to feel.

It gives them power and control over your life that they don’t deserve.

This is why it is better to set a boundary than to set an expectation.

Setting a healthy boundary looks like:

  • Speaking your truth
  • Explaining your needs
  • Speaking from a place of love for yourself and others
  • No lecturing or judging of the other person
  • Speaking your mind while respecting the other person
  • Setting up natural consequence if they continue to violate your boundary
  • Following through on your consequence

7. Schedule in time to reflect.

Time to yourself is a human need.

Life throws so many distractions at you that it becomes difficult to check in with yourself and see what thoughts and emotions you need to process.

At least once a week make a point to reflect and be alone for at least an hour.

Think about what has transpired over the last week and how it has affected you in both positive and negative ways.

Positive emotions need to be processed to and you’d be surprised how often we suppress them.

Make sure you allow yourself time become excited without thinking of the negatives.

Limiting beliefs like jinxing it, too good to be true and waiting for the other shoe to drop can stop you from fully processing positive emotions.

Maybe nothing good or bad comes up for you.

You can use this time to see what does come up.

Maybe it’s a to do list nagging you or an intention setting session that feels intuitive to write down.

There are no hard and fast rules for what you are allowed to process.

The point is to set aside time for whatever your mind and body need.

You cannot hear or tend to your needs when you are constantly focused outward.

This time will help you stay balanced in your mind, body, and soul.

I don’t think there is a higher self-care than that!

8. Make personal development a priority.

I teach my clients effective ways to process emotions, set boundaries and choose their thoughts.!

These transformational life coaching methods can help you feel better.

My clients know there is so much more to life then stress and struggles.

I can teach you how to see things from perspectives that work for you, not against you.

When you feel better you attract better!

Schedule a free call with me and get clarity and build out a plan to take the next steps in your life.

Schedule your free call in the calendar below!