Anxiety Relief,  Self Improvement

Overcome Anxiety: The Ultimate Guide To Feeling Better

Anxiety is a bigger threat right now than Coronavirus.

 It is a bold and shocking statement, but it’s the truth.

When we think about the number of people who were suffering from anxiety, before the outbreak of Coronavirus, it’s easy to understand how isolation has compounded these numbers, causing more depression, stress and anxiety.

And sadly these numbers have casualties…

Fear can be just as deadly as disease.

What I want you all to know about yourselves before, during and after Coronavirus is that you can choose your thoughts.

You can create a life amidst perceived chaos, fear and anxiety that is peaceful simply by choosing how you want to feel.

By choosing loving and peaceful thoughts you can greatly impact yourself, your environment and the energies of others.

Do not discredit how powerful you are.

Happiness is a choice

You do not have to believe the thoughts that are causing your unhappiness, but you are responsible for them.

It is your responsibility to nurture an internal voice of peace, love and happiness.

Personally, I know there is this voice inside my own head.

Well to be honest there is not one, there are two.

One is quiet and comforting and the other is stressful and loud.

 I am not even sure why I listen to the stressful voice.

Maybe because its loud?

This voice promises to solve my problems. It promises that if I follow and listen to it that I will get what I am in need of; safety, peace, love, forgiveness, happiness.

That if I listen to it then my suffering will be worth my time.

But every single time I do, I end up feeling worse and have even more problems than I started with.

Without fail, when I’m all out of options, I call on the quiet, but reliable voice to come get bail me out.

I promise, I am not crazy! Well, not that kind of crazy at least…

 You have these two voices as well. Everyone does.  

What I’m really talking about is a spiritual belief.

There is nothing that wastes the body like worry


The belief that we all have two minds.

The mind of love and the mind of fear. The soul and the ego. The head and the heart. God and the devil. Anxiety and happiness and so on.

It doesn’t matter what we refer to each as, all we need to know is that the voice of fear will hold us back.

And the voice of love will give us everything that fear promises. Here is what I mean.

How to overcome your thoughts

Anxiety fools us into listening to its “logic.”

But its logic is not based on anything real.

It promises that if we listen to it then we can avoid future pain by learning from past pain.

The problem with anxiety’s “logic” is that the pain of the past was created by the same logic we try to prevent future anxiety with.

Thereby making future pain impossible to avoid as long as we are using anxiety to prevent it.

If we are to lean on anxiety, hoping to prevent future anxiety, it will only cause more of it.

This is because the sole purpose of anxiety is to produce fear.

You can only create more of what you are.

Anxiety is not logic but we believe it is

Alexis- Life Coach

Anxiety and The Ego

 If this is a bit heady and confusing don’t freak out. Literally, calm down because anxiety is what we want to avoid!

The concept I want you to really understand is that you always have two streams of thought available to you.

Anxiety and happiness. Fear or love.

Each one serves a different, but necessary purpose. And both, have very separate agendas.

To reach a state of happiness you must gain a deeper understanding of what happiness and anxiety really are.

Ready to kick anxiety to the curb? Take my 5-day Life Coaching Course HERE!!!!!!!!!!!

Anxiety, hate, resentment, jealousy and any other undesirable emotion all stem from fear, and fear is the ego.

You have probably heard the term ego before. It gets thrown around in psychology, spirituality and casually.

The common theme among all definitions of the ego is the “I” component.

All definitions are based on ourselves and how we are perceived, how we interpret, what we choose to believe about ourselves and the world, all through the lens of fear aka the ego.

From a young age we start taking information in through our ego to learn how to be human and survive.

The ego is only interested in keeping itself alive and looks to do more of what it has done in the past to stay alive.

The ego tells us to separate ourselves from others, be fearful and feel lacking in all regards.

The ego thrives and learns through this separateness uses fear to motivate us.

It may come as a surprise to say that the enemy is actually not the ego.

Why do we have egos?

Imagine a life absent of fear.

First off, our mothers would not be alive long enough to give birth because they would not know how to tell the difference between danger and safety.

If they did survive long enough to give birth, they would not have the first clue how to keep us alive.

Without fear we would do things like walk off cliffs, run naked through in

to lion’s dens, starve to death, smell bad and pee in our pants non-stop, if we had any on to begin with! Weird

Without fear as a motivation it would be a dangerous and undesirable world.

Without it we wouldn’t be here today.

So, thank your creator and your ego for fear.

The idea isn’t to get rid of or kill the ego.

Its way more effective to allow the ego to just be and call on it when we need it.

Like if we found ourselves in a life or death situation.

Think of the ego as cruise control.

It works great for keeping the car on, moving forward at a certain speed and going straight, but when the car needs to respond to a threat or change directions the driver must take over, otherwise the car will crash.

When we lean on our higher selves for everything but our basic needs the ego begins to learn its place.

But when we leave our vehicles(ourselves) on cruise control, we will find ourselves in stressful and troubling situations.

The ego is a flawed filter we simply cannot use to find solutions and relief.

Awareness and anxiety relief

Cultivating more awareness is no small feat.

In fact I created an entire free 5 day life coaching course to teach you exactly how to become more aware of your emotions and thoughts.

Sign up for it below!

Once you are aware of the fear based stories and beliefs that are not serving you, you can slowly start healing and converting the thoughts causing your anxiety.

We all want happiness and relief from the fearful thoughts the ego supplies us with.

But how?

When we begin to build awareness of our higher selves, turning to love instead of fear, the ego freaks out. It is self-preserving.

Meaning that it will do anything to try keep us reliant upon it.

Have you ever met someone totally amazing only for a voice in your head to say, “it’s too good to be true”?

Or when everything is going perfect in life and you find yourself “waiting for the other shoe to drop.”

This is the egos work at its finest.

What is the higher self?

You may know it as intuition, God, soul, spirit or guides.

What you choose to refer to it as doesn’t matter.

What does matter is that you know that the higher self is you, the real you.

It is pure love and what we are all in search of.

Our higher selves contain every truth and answer we have ever and will ever seek.

Best of all our higher selves contain every experience, lesson and memory.

All we have to do is connect and ask then wait to receive guidance from this all knowing, loving and wise source of wisdom.

The higher self is not separate from you.

It is contained within your consciousness. It is not a place to visit, it is pure love energy that is always with you.

The thing about the higher self is that unlike the ego it respects your free will.

This is both amazing and sucky.

The sucky part is that it’s quite the task to remind ourselves to move away from the ego and towards love, but the amazing part is that all we have to do is remind ourselves and the higher self does all the heavy lifting.

Learning to choose and rely on your higher self

Using anxiety to solve your problems is like drinking poison to feel better.

When we begin to lean on our higher self, life gets easier because we don’t have to figure EVERYTHING out anymore.

We can just call upon it and listen. Instead of all the thinking, worrying, planning, scheming and everything else we must do, when we listen to the ego.

You are never alone in this life.

If you ever feel that you are alone or that you’re out of options, then you’re probably not relying on your higher self.

You’re probably trying to plan and figure it out on your own by relying on the ego’s logic.

We are not abandoned in this life.

Access to our higher selves is available whenever we choose.

All the answers, guidance and unconditional love we desire is right there within us. If that is what we desire.

Our higher selves want nothing more than to help us find our way, but we must remember to ask and then be connected enough to listen.

We ask for this guidance in prayer and we listen for our response through meditation.

If we are not practicing both prayer and meditation, we can easily become frustrated or believe we have been abandoned.

This is never the case.

 Ask, listen and receive.

If you’re worried you won’t be able to tell the difference between the ego and the higher self, I have amazing news!

How to strengthen your connection to intuition or higher self

Literally anyone who knows the difference between happy and sad will be able to tell the difference between the ego or the higher self.

You’ll know when you are listening to the higher self when you feel sensations like ease, comfort, support and love.

The higher self and these emotions are a product of being present.

When you are feeling stress, tension, fear, or anger, you are dealing with the ego.

You are projecting past wounds and future anxieties.

This is the ego.

When these sensations arise use them as signals and triggers to call on or pray to your higher self.

Most of us have connected with our higher self without even trying.

These moments come to us as simple as goosebumps or as complicated as having a funny feeling you can’t put your finger on.

Some have never actively developed their higher selves.

So, the ego fills that role because it knows how important it is.

Unfortunately, the ego isn’t intelligent enough to guide us successfully and only knows how to lead us to fear because that is its inherent function.

Know that when you choose to lean on the ego for guidance and direction in life, fear will be the motivation and fear will be the outcome.

Instead, ignore the ego’s input when it comes to anything but survival and your basic needs.

The higher self (love) is much more equipped to guide us to happiness, success and freedom.


Overcoming Limiting Beliefs (Blog Post)

1:1 Life Coaching ( Program)

Free Anxiety Relief Cheat Sheet (Free Training)


  • Cindy

    This is so great! How do I apply this to overthinking and not being able to control my thoughts and get in touch with higher self in the first place because my mind is too noisy! TIA

    • Alexis Henderson

      Hi Cindy! You’re in luck I offer free courses and guides to help with that exact problem! Go to to ease anxiety and stop overthinking or receive my free anxiety relief guide above to quiet the mind and get in touch with your higher self!

      To answer your question directly though, cultivating awareness is the first step. The easiest way to do that is to follow your emotions. If you are suffering deeply from anxiety and overthinking then start tomorrow morning. You have a blank slate the first few minutes or maybe seconds when you wake up. Catch the first thought that causes you to dip and begin your work there. Do your best to shift that thought to love, compassion, understanding, forgiveness or hope!
      Thank you so much Cindy for becoming a part of the online community and helping others🙏🏻❤️🦋